Polymorphic response of Vicia faba plants to cobalt excess: comparison of intact plants and callus cultures

  • T. Čėsnienė
  • V. Kleizaitė
  • V. Rančelis


A high and unique expression of individual plant polymorphism after a Coinduced stress was observed after exposure of Vicia faba seeds. Plant variations were attributed to chlorophyll morphoses. A significant deviation from normal level was observed in chlorophyll, SOD and accumulation of Severas metals. In regenerants the differences in plant pigmentation disappeared. Alterations in callus cultures were also observed not only for plant pigments but also for SOD isozymes. Interesting differences between intact plants and callus cultures were observes in protochlorophyll concentration. Keywords: plant polymorphism, metal stress, Co2+ action, chlorophyll morphoses, regenerants, callus, Vicia faba, protochlorophyll
Plant Physiology