Investigation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of amino acids in the herb of smallflowered galinsoga (Galinsoga parviflora L.) using gas chromatography

  • Daiva Kazlauskienė
  • Palma Nenortienė
  • Deividas Kvedaravičius
  • Jurgita Daukšienė
  • Saulė Velžienė
Keywords: Galinsoga parviflora, amino acid, gas chromatography


Amino acids are important for the human body as initial metabolites of polypeptides and proteins. The grass small-flowered galinsoga (Galinsoga parviflora L.) accumulates a large amount of various amino acids, this grass is not poisonous and edible in some countries. The aim of this research is to analyze the qualitative and quantitative composition of amino acids in the herb of small-flowered galinsoga (Galinsoga parviflora L.): to select the most suitable extraction conditions of amino acids from the Galinsoga parviflora herb; to apply the gas chromatography method for the determination of amino acids.

Analytical Chemistry